No word needed, eh? Well, it was rough, I'll be honest but also it was beautiful. The most beautiful part of this course was that it made me go out of my comfort zone. I've learned many things and I feel a little more confident about technology. Also, we dealt with the hardships together with my best friend and that is another great side of this course. I want to thank to my dear friend GΓΌlsΓΌm. I'm proud of us since we are both not good at technology. This is a big success for us. If we want to talk about assigments, I accept that they are good to learn but there is also a negative side for me: they really called for facility. For example, while we were making our 3D images, Assemblr was heavy for our computer and we couldn't even upload some images we found. My partner waited for 3 hours just to sign in to the app. Powtoon was also the same. I had to reopen my computer sometimes because it stopped working. So maybe the websites or app could be eaiser to use. Buttt, no