
Showing posts from December, 2020

Movie Poster 💃

Helloo my dear lovely happy followers, this week I’ve made a movie poster! 🎬       We had two choices, making a movie poster from a book or making a magazine cover. I like watching movies but can’t say I've read magazines to be honest so I chose the first one. My poster is from the book that I’ve made it’s review last week, Story of A Downfall. I chose that book since it was hard for me to find a book that I’ve read and wasn’t adapted to a movie. Also, I like movies of old circles so I would like to watch a movie of that book. Here is my work;      Actually I Iike designing works but I don’t know why, making a movie poster wasn’t that entertaining for me. I have used a website whose name is “Canva” and it was useful enough to make this assignment well. I am not sure about giving similar homeworks to my future students though. I think it depends on the class that I will give.      It’s the end of my post. See you later and take care of yourselves! 🍀


       Welcome my cheerful friends. Let me introduce you my duty for this week.       We created some groups and with that groups we made a padlet page! Our teacher gave us some subjects and we chose “Bullying at Schools”. It was beneficial for me because I am a student too and I must have basic knowladge about this subject. I have learned new points and I realized that in my high school years I was a bystander and I may even bullied my peers on some occasions. On the other hand, if we are going to talk about padlet, I can say that it wasn’t funny for me like the book review. Because the website is a little bit of confusing for me. At first, we couldn’t even join the padlet. After we managed it, we had a problem about how we can make appear our names under/on our writings and at last we couldn’t put our writings in an order. Background and colors are so beautiful but it’s really hard to get at least until you learn how to use padlet. Also, I am a person who really likes designing and s